Geotechnics: Dynamic Penetration Cone. (DCP)
/Geotechnics: Dynamic Penetration Cone. (DCP)

Green Technologies

Innovative system for timely analysis of the subsoil to prevent failures in infrastructure projects.
Green Technologies offers a specialized system called Dynamic Cone of Penetration (DCP), which is used to promptly evaluate the bearing capacity of the different layers that make up the subsoil, in addition to detecting weak areas that cause possible failures. on embankments, pavements, highways, buildings, among others.
The study consists of introducing a conical-shaped penetration element into the ground, jointly attached to modular steel bars 1.00 meter long and graduated every 10 centimeters. The penetration is carried out by hitting using a mass with an approximate weight of 30 kg on a head placed on the top of the bar; Said mass is raised to a certain height and allowed to fall freely. This process is repeated until readings greater than 80 strokes are achieved.
The results are obtained in number of blows and these are correlated with the CBR (California Bearing Ratio) Bearing Ratio Test, a soil parameter that quantifies its resistant capacity as a subgrade, sub-base and base in pavement design, widely used. to characterize roads, airports, warehouses, dams, platforms, subsoil of all types of buildings.

Monitor embankments
The system allows obtaining fast, accurate and reliable information with minimal invasiveness.

Measure compaction
Quickly determines the degree of compaction or consolidation of soils and their load capacity.

Determines the load capacity of soils at different depths
Specific information is obtained and the load capacity of the soils is determined depending on the number of blows against the penetration of the DCP at different depths.

Normed results
Results correlated with the CBR used in pavements and design stratigraphic profiles.