Green Technologies

Soil mechanics
Soil mechanics studies are carried out throughout the country for various structures.

We have a work team and the necessary technology to carry out geotechnical analysis.

Green Technologies has an exclusive department to perform soil mechanics with traditional methods
At Green Technologies we provide foundation options so that the structure is safe, economical and functional, as well as to satisfy the needs of each project.
We adhere to the regulations established in the construction regulations and their Complementary Technical Standards, as well as the regulations used within the republic, depending on the federal entity in which they are located.
We carry out geotechnical studies, supervision of roads and civil works, projects, statistical profiles of the terrain, load capacity, quality control and consulting in various areas for both government organizations and private initiatives.

Geological studies - Geotechnical
We carry out different types of exploration regardless of the area of ​​the country where it is required.

We have the experience to evaluate any highway and road in the country. We rely on the methods most used in Mexico and Spain for the analysis of performance indicators, such as AASHTO, IMT, MOPU (SecretarÃa de Obras Públicas y Urbanismo), FHWA (Federal Highway Administration), among others. .