Geophysics: Resistivity-electrical conductivity tomography
/Geophysics: Resistivity-electrical conductivity tomography

Green Technologies

Cutting-edge exploration: Subsurface studies with
real-time results.
Green Technologies offers a series of engineering solutions for subsurface exploration, among which electrical conductivity/resistivity tomography stands out. Carried out with the highest technology equipment and providing precise results in real time, which can be optimized in post-processing.
The precision in data acquisition is based on induced polarization, allowing the identification of areas with the presence of humidity, underground contamination, geological faults, aquifers and cavities that could exist under buildings and infrastructure developments. It is highly efficient and useful in mining exploration, location of underground aquifers, and planning and monitoring of large infrastructure works.
Depending on the extensions, it is possible to obtain information hundreds of meters deep if necessary.
Our fully automated system, with the highest precision in data acquisition and minimally invasive, has the capacity to generate two-dimensional profiles and high-resolution
three-dimensional diagrams.

Three dimensional
Clear subsoil information is obtained through three-dimensional diagrams.

Non-invasive high technology
In minutes the desired information is obtained from the subsoil.

Reduce risks
Explore the underground before investing in your assets and avoid potential risks.

Deep exploration
Designed to acquire data at more than 100 meters depth.